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Tips for Teams Working Remotely

Written by Cheryl Smith | Mar 16, 2020 6:19:59 PM

In a single generation, we have changed the way we communicate and access information. We no longer have to wait to share information; we can communicate it in just a matter of seconds. We no longer have to wait to access information; making how we communicate as a team a lot less time-consuming and frustrating.

Whether you are an enterprise organization or a small business however, the best work still flows out of a collaborative environment. Here are five ways to keep the team collaboration going in these trying times.

#1 Trust Technology

As a technology provider, Privia has seen the proper application of technology help develop remote teams and provide for both collaboration and significant ROI. We are believers! The proper application of technology is a great start to getting your remote work teams up and running and going strong.

To make it easier for teams to work together remotely, we have dramatically reduced the price of Privia licenses, including:

- Centralize and secure documents and graphics.
- Task and schedule assignments.
- Collaborate, comment, and come to consensus.
- Know who is working and when they are done.

Be they your sales or proposals teams, finance, contracting or HR teams, or project or training teams, Privia is committed to helping your organization connect and collaborate so you can maintain your business rhythm and remain vital.

#2: Combine Technologies for the Best Environment

Not every tool is perfect for every task – and that applies to remote working technologies as well. In our experience the best combination is usually comprised of a Content Collaboration Platform for centralized storage, sharing, and workflow (like Privia), a live meeting capability (like Zoom, GoToMeeting, or and a document routing and automation system like Docusign CLM (

Your situation may vary, but to achieve the best result, definitely consider combining tools for the most robust online working environment possible.

#3 Nurture the Remote Environment

Social-distancing may have put up physical walls between you and your team, but there is no need to lose sight of the key to successful team work – collaboration. While working remotely, remember to create a friendly atmosphere so everyone feels like they belong, that they are a part of the solution. Remind everyone on your team that you are all one team, not just different teams with different responsibilities.

Giving your team a centralized work space is a critical step toward nurturing remote workers who may feel nervous or distracted by world events. Allowing teams to collaborate instantly will bring everyone up to speed quickly and help avoid confusion and misconceptions before they become an issue.

#4 Encourage Remote Communications

Working remote means you won’t be bumping into each other at the coffee maker or water cooler. Yet casual social interactions at work are a powerful way to create trust among remote teams.

Virtual get-togethers will provide a connection to colleagues, create trust, and help to maintain the company culture. Consider doing regular check-ins, conference call or video conference, with the team. In addition to team and business updates, encourage conversation, give everyone an opportunity to participate, make sure everyone is safe, on track, and not stressed into immobility.

Intentionally create interactions within your team during the meetings, opening up meetings with a round-robin question or perhaps asking each team member to provide a tid-bit on how they are perfecting their work from home routine.

#5 Written Communication

With so much of our communication derived from non-verbal cues such as facial expression and body language, working remotely can pose a challenge for communication. When time is precious and there is no room for mistakes, follow the 7 C’s of Communication to improve how you interact in writing with your remote team.

- Completeness: Be complete, including supporting information and explanation.
- Concreteness: Be clear, use facts and leave nothing to the imagination.
- Courtesy: Show respect; consider feelings and points of view,
- Correctness: Correct language increases trust, making the recipient feel they are being taken seriously.
- Clarity: Clear or plain language and sticking to the point will provide a clearer picture of the message.
- Consideration: Make the message specific to the target audience or recipient.
- Conciseness: Avoid confusion; be consistent throughout the message.

Most of all, be transparent; consider a regular email with insights from the executive team and a round-up of what’s happening throughout the company or within the client base.

#6 Trust your Team

Perhaps your team is used to working remotely. Perhaps they are new to it. Either way, it might be a challenge to trust your employees when you can’t physical see them. If moving the team to a remote model, even temporarily, feels like flying without a net, visibility and transparency will help. 

According to Clutch, “at least 54% of employees with the option to telework, say they are most productive when they work outside a traditional office environment and 26% of employees who have telework flexibility say a better work-life balance is the top benefit of working outside the office.”

While you are moving the team to a remote model, their timely and consistent output will be a clear sign of their work. So make sure everyone has a clear understanding of their specific roles, responsibilities, tasks, and related goals. This, and a plan for management ascendancy, will help instill confidence in management and trust among the team.

Having a shared synchronized calendar is a good way to keep the team synchronized. By giving the team a clear understanding of everyone’s roles and responsibilities helps everyone see where their piece of the puzzle fits into the big picture.

As more and more businesses move to a remote model during these trying times, teams will want to prove the remote model is working for the organization as well as for the individual. Giving them the collaboration tools they need to be successful is a necessary first step.

Harnessing your team's collaborative energy during these trying times?